I hope EVERYONE is having a relaxing summer! I, honestly, don't really know how to relax. I view my summer vacation as a way to "get ahead" for next year. I've been working like crazy and NOPE, that is NOT a complaint! I LOVE my
OBSESSION, job, remember??? So this year I had SEVERAL students that really struggled with motor skills. And I get it!! Kinder is so rigorious now and they don't have time in their day to deal with motor skills anymore (and for 1st grade, we need them to have that rigor!). However, the reality is that
BOYS some kids need that practice. LOL! So, I've created
just a few practice pages. I will be using them for the first 2 weeks of school, when routines are just being established and kids are settling back into the routine of school. I plan to start every morning with a page on their desk. They will first use a crayon to trace and then use their scissors to cut on the lines. I also recommend starting the copies on a heavier construction paper or cardstock. Then phase into lighter construction and finally regular paper. You will quickly be able to see who is ready to progress with the different papers and who isn't. During this time I will do
my usual "busy work" of attendance, lunch count, exc. I hope that you find it useful! Click on the picture to get the FREE download from my TpT store!
Click the picture for the FREE download!